Dannes Bygg Service

Dannes Bygg Service

Digital presentation

To be able to pitch for sertain type of work, in this case showcasing Kitchen Installations this online presentation was made to be used as a slider on the ipad or a smart phone, or being sent via e-mail to a potential customer as a pdf document.

Allservice Express

Allservice Express

Above: Logotype and Businesscard. Below: Photographs by Kevii & website design

Photographs by Kevii

Photographs by Kevii

Photographs by Kevii

Photographs by Kevii

Marcus & Anja de Bot a local entrepreneurs in Sweden.

As a brand new business, he needed everything, so we sat down for a meeting to prioritize what was important to get this new venture up and running. Allservice Express is able to offer a wide range of services (cleaning, gardening and easier building jobs etc) as a Handyman business, we needed a good structure with great pictures for their website www.allserviceexpress.se

Kevii Photography & Design provided the following services:

• Logotype
• Business card layout
• On location portfolio photographs
• Website structure and design, with commercial photographs
• Facebook page (like it here)

Dannes Bygg Service

Dannes Bygg Service

Dan Stenqvist is a local carpenter in Sweden.

As a brand new business, he needed everything, so we sat down for a meeting to prioritize what was important to get his new venture up and running. Dannes Building Service is able to offer a wide range of services (roofing, kitchen & interior, outdoor verandas, tiling and stone laying etc) as a carpenter, we needed a good structure with great pictures for his website www.dannesbyggservice.se.

Kevii Photography & Design provided the following services:

•  Logotype
•  Business card layout
•  Design, branding of work-clothes
•  Design, branding of vehicle
•  Website structure and design, with pictures
•  Facebook page (please support & like his page here)
•  Ads for news papers to promote his new business
•  Portrait Photography for the company
•  On location portfolio photographs